On December 27th 2016, Carrie Fisher, known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, passed away at age 60. She drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra. Well, that’s what she wants you to think anyway. In her first memoir, Wishful Drinking, Carrie said “I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled…
Archives for December 2016
Top 10 Films of 2016
The second post I ever made on this blog was ‘My Top 10 Films of 2015‘ and looking back, I can’t believe how many amazing films we got last year. It’s been difficult to narrow them down for 2016 and so I’ve decided to leave out Marvel films as, even though I rated most quite…
Film Review: Shrew’s Nest (2014)
While browsing on Shudder, I came across Shrew’s Nest (2014); a Spanish horror and thriller set sometime in the 1950s. It revolves around Montse (Macarena Gómez), a highly religious and agoraphobic woman who spent her youth raising her younger sister, who is simply referred to as “the girl” (Nadia de Santiago), as their mother died during her birth…
Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Review
This post contains spoilers for Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. I had never watched Gilmore Girls until this year where I watched all 7 seasons, almost at once. I didn’t know it existed whilst growing up and only heard about it a few years ago. During my binge watching, I was so excited when I…